The Kamalian people (Kamalinux) are an ethnic group of the Poseidon human peoples, primarily living in Kamalia and neighboring countries. The English term "Kamalians" is used to refer to the citizens of Kamalia, regardless of their ethnicity ; in Kamalian, the demonym "Kamalian" is translated as "Kamaltilut" (plural Kamaltilux), while the ethnic Kamalians, are referred to as Kamalinux (sg. Kamalinuk). According to the 2010 census, ethnic Kamalians make up about 90% of the population of Kamalia and about 64% of Poseidon's human population.
Although life for most Kamalians resembles that of the western civilizations on earth, with supermarkets, satellite TV, and radio, many smaller settlements have few facilities, no running water, and a much more traditional and greatly impoverished lifestyle.
Wherever you go, however, the veneer of modern life is fairly superficial and tradition influences some daily activities. Family groups are still incredibly important and in most towns there is a complex network of family relations; often with many extended families making up the entire population of a town or city. The elderly are taken care of by the extended family and, in line with tradition, children are not disciplined. Children often inherit the names of their ancestors, so disciplining a child shows disrespect for the deceased elder. Children are expected to learn from the repercussions of their mistakes, not from the anger of their parents.
The economy in central Kamalia has moved from its traditional hunting base to an industrialized free enterprise economy, or government silver mining and exploitation of mineral rights, as is the case in the western counties
Life in the more urban areas of Kamalia, such as the central counties, is very crowded and busy. People originally moved there look ing for work and do not take traditions as seriously as do people in other parts of the country. There is however, a special devotion to Christianity in the average Kamalian's daily life. Even crowded cities such as Tugnut or Pasnip have at least 2 churches each.
In the rural areas of Kamalia, such as the western or eastern counties, tradition plays a larger part in the lives of the citizens. Religion is especially important, especially Christianity, although, some pagan deities are still worshiped in more undeveloped parts of the country.
The names of Kamalians are constructed in a fashion in which each name traditionally consists of five components; one for the given name, the father's name (patronym), the mother's name (matronym), the paternal grandfather's name, and the ordinal birth number of the child (first-born, second-born, etc.). In this convention there are no family names. Instead, one is known by his or her lineage. Even though a person may have up to 5 names, only the given name, sometimes accompanied with the patronym, are used to adress someone informally.